R.K Complex, II floor,West Sambandam Road,
V.O.C. Street,R.S. Puram,Coimbatore - 641002
EKARUP experts have over a decade experience in Commodity and Stock Management services, where we help you to understand the way into the market. EKARUP Investment Advisory Management Services is a premium service, offering innovative & exclusive products in the field of trading research and risk management over the past decade. Our expertise has earned the trust of thousands of high net-worth individual/ institutional investors and created a family that is constantly growing.
EKARUP brings you a whole range of products, from which you choose as per your requirement to put together your optimal
portfolio, one that fits your investment objective, time horizon and risk appetite.In today's intricate and volatile market your investment requires constant monitoring and attention. The demand made on your time
and energy by other business may not leave you with capacity to attend to your personal portfolio with the degree of care you deem
appropriate. We at EKARUP understand your situation and offer services taking the level of care and attention to a higher level in
monitoring your portfolio.
It is all about your money, being guided by the experts, while you continue with your routine life. Isn't it simple and totally hassle free.
What's more, you always know how fast your investment is growing. It basically means assigning the right job to the right person.